Thursday, February 12, 2009

Mid Winter Blues

Does anyone else get the mid-winter blues??
I'm trying to stay busy and lucky for me I have allot of people to help me do so. I'm really very blessed to have so many wonderful people in my life. I've been to Cali to see the little ones a couple of times, been to southern Utah, I even have been able to convince Gary to take me to the show. (Taken with Liam Nieson) Wonderful. Go see it. I've got wonderful friends that do things with me, give me good ideas to try. Really fun sisters that keep me going in my quest to do better at being crafty. Not to mention my kids and grand kids that keep me up to date with their latest antics, big and small. They make me laugh allot.
OK so why the mid winter blues with all this good stuff going on??
(How bad would it be if not for all these things)
Thank you


Wendy said...

I got a suggestion- MEDICATION! j/k not really! I guess we will just have to shop more and probably go to eating CARBS! You know I'm only a call away if either of the 2 are involved! Love ya!( I almost told that last guy on the phone- "love ya"-crazy huh?)
hahahaha that made me laugh!

malleygirl said...

Your always welcome to a winter vaca to cali! We love you out here!